Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Earthworm Dissection

This post will take you through how to dissect an earthworm! But first, let's take a look at some facts about the earthworm:

Where is it found?Earthworms are found in the soil of the earth. They are natural fertilizers. They consume dirt and add nutrients to the soil

What do they eat?Earthworms eat the soil, taking in all the nutrients, bacteria and fungus in the soil. After it passes 
through their body they add fresh nutrients to the soil.

How do they breathe?Earthworms breathe through their skin. Their skin needs to remain moist so the oxygen can pass through their skin straight to their blood stream.

Fun factEarthworms are both male and female. If they are cut in half they can regrow into a full worm again.

Pharynx-This is the thick-walled food storage organ of the earthworm.
Heart-The heart pumps blood to the ventral blood vessel where it moves onto the body.
Seminal vesicles-This is where sperm from that particular worm is stored.
Seminal receptacle-This is where sperm from a different worm is stored.
Crop-This is where food is stored.
Gizzard-The gizzard is what grinds up the earthworm's food.
Septa-The septa are heavy tissues that separate different portions of the body.
Intestine-This is where food is broken down by enzymes and absorbed.
Dorsal blood vessel-The dorsal blood vessel is one of three blood vessels in the worm.  This blood vessel returns blood to the heart.

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